function [S,d,dd]=regising(Ac,Delta,t,q) % REGularIty/SINGularity of an interval matrix % VERSION TO BE POSTED % % Most simple use (if you are interested in result only, not in computational details): % [S]=regising(Ac,Delta) % % A=[Ac-Delta,Ac+Delta] is a square interval matrix, % t==1: displays number of orthants to be yet visited, % t~=1: no display, % q==1: plots number of orthants to be yet processed vs. iteration count, % q~=1: no plot, % isempty(S): A is regular (i.e., each B in A is nonsingular), % ~isempty(S): S is a singular matrix in A, possibly in normal form (if found), % i.e., abs(S-Ac)=Delta holds for each but at most one entry. % d: total number of orthants visited by the main algorithm (it may be zero), % dd: symbol of the method which succeeded in determining singularity/regularity: % 0.0: singularity of the midpoint matrix Ac, % 0.1: singularity via diagonal condition, % 0.2: singularity via steepest determinant descent, % 0.3: singularity as a by-product of 0.7, % 0.4: singularity via the main algorithm, % 0.5: regularity via Beeck's condition, % 0.6: regularity via symmetrization, % 0.7: regularity via two Qz-matrices, % 0.8: regularity via the main algorithm. % % MIT License for REGISING: % % Copyright (c) 2005-2016 Jiri Rohn % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy % of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal % in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights % to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell % copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is % furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all % copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR % IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE % AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER % LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, % OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE % SOFTWARE. % n=size(Ac,1); d=0; dd=0; if rank(Ac)=1 x=Aci(:,j); S=vec2mat(Ac,Delta,x); S=normform(Ac,Delta,S); dd=0.1; return end if beeckcond(Ac,Delta)<1, S=[]; dd=0.5; return, end S=singdetdesc(Ac,Delta); if ~isempty(S), S=normform(Ac,Delta,S); dd=0.2; return, end AA=Ac'*Ac; DD=Delta'*Delta; if rank(AA)==n&&beeckcond(AA,DD)<1, S=[]; dd=0.6; return, end [rs,S]=regsuffcondqz(Ac,Delta); if rs==0, S=normform(Ac,Delta,S); dd=0.3; return, end if rs==1, dd=0.7; return, end bc=janssonsheuristic(Aci); ep=max(n,10)*max([norm(Ac-Delta,1) norm(Ac+Delta,1) norm(bc,1)])*eps; Z=(sgn(Aci*bc))'; D=[]; if (nargin>=3)&&(isequal(q,1)), yy(1)=0; yy(2)=1; ii=2; end while ~isempty(Z) p=size(Z,1); z=Z(p,:); Z=Z(1:p-1,:); D=[D; z]; [Q,S]=qzmatrix(Ac,Delta,z); if ~isempty(S) S=normform(Ac,Delta,S); d=size(D,1); dd=0.4; if (nargin>=3)&&(isequal(q,1)), pass(yy), end return end xut=Q*bc; if all(xut(z==1)>=-ep) [Q,S]=qzmatrix(Ac,Delta,-z); if ~isempty(S) S=normform(Ac,Delta,S); d=size(D,1); dd=0.4; if (nargin>=3)&&(isequal(q,1)), pass(yy), end return end xlt=Q*bc; if all(xlt<=xut) for j=1:n zt=z; zt(j)=-zt(j); if (xlt(j)*xut(j)<=ep)&&(~ismember(zt,Z,'rows'))&&(~ismember(zt,D,'rows')) Z=[Z; zt]; end end end if (nargin>=3)&&(isequal(q,1)), ii=ii+1; yy(ii)=size(Z,1); end if (nargin==4)&&(isequal(t,1)), disp(size(Z,1)), end if size(Z,1)+size(D,1)>=20*n^2 if (nargin>=3)&&(isequal(q,1)), pass(yy), end; S=[]; d=[]; error('Program run has been stopped after reaching prescribed number of iterations') end end end S=[]; d=size(D,1); dd=0.8; if (nargin>=3)&&(isequal(q,1)), pass(yy), end % function [Q,S]=qzmatrix(Ac,Delta,z) % $Q_z$ MATRIX % % A=[Ac-Delta,Ac+Delta]: square interval matrix, z a plus/minus-one vector, % ~isempty(Q): Q solves Q*Ac-abs(Q)*Delta*diag(z)=eye(size(A)), and S=[], % ~isempty(S): S is a singular matrix in A, and Q=[]. % n=size(Ac,1); I=eye(n,n); Q=zeros(n,n); S=[]; for i=1:n [x,S]=absvaleqn(Ac',-diag(z)*Delta',I(:,i)); if ~isempty(S), Q=[]; S=S'; return, end Q(i,:)=x'; end % function [x,S,iter]=absvaleqn(A,B,b) % ABSolute VALue EQuatioN % % ~isempty(x): x solves A*x+B*abs(x)=b (A,B square), S is empty, % ~isempty(S): S is a singular matrix satisfying abs(S-A)<=abs(B), x is empty. % iter: number of iterations (it may be zero). % % Copyright 2005-2015 Jiri Rohn ( % b=b(:); n=length(b); I=eye(n,n); ep=n*(max([norm(A,inf) norm(B,inf) norm(b,inf)]))*eps; x=[]; S=[]; iter=0; if rank(A)r(k+1:n))))||((k==n)&&(r(k)>0)) x=x-X(:,k); z=sgn(x); ct=A*x; jm=abs(B)*abs(x); y=zeros(1,n); for i=1:n if jm(i)>ep, y(i)=ct(i)/jm(i); else y(i)=1; end end S=A-diag(y)*abs(B)*diag(z); x=[]; return end X(:,k)=x; r(k)=iter; z(k)=-z(k); alpha=2*z(k)/(1-2*z(k)*C(k,k)); x=x+alpha*x(k)*C(:,k); C=C+alpha*C(:,k)*C(k,:); end % function [S]=vec2mat(Ac,Delta,x) % VECtor TO MATrix % % A=[Ac-Delta,Ac+Delta] is a square interval matrix, x is a matching % nonzero point vector satisfying abs(Ac*x) <= Delta*abs(x). % S: a singular matrix in A. % n=length(x); ep=max([n 100])*max([norm(Ac-Delta,inf) norm(Ac+Delta,inf) norm(x,inf)])*eps; ct=Ac*x; jm=Delta*abs(x); y=zeros(n,1); z=y; for i=1:n if jm(i)>ep, y(i)=ct(i)/jm(i); else y(i)=1; end if x(i)>=0, z(i)=1; else z(i)=-1; end end S=Ac-diag(y)*Delta*diag(z); % function z=sgn(x) % SiGN vector of x (column) n=length(x); z=zeros(n,1); for j=1:n if x(j)>=0, z(j)=1; else z(j)=-1; end end % function [rs,S]=regsuffcondqz(Ac,Delta) % REGularity SUFFicient CONDition via matrices QZ % % A=[Ac-Delta,Ac+Delta] is a square interval matrix. % rs= 1: A is regular (i.e., each B in A is nonsingular) and S=[], % rs= 0: A is singular and S is a singular matrix in A, % rs=-1: no result. % Uses simplexineq.m % n=size(Ac,1); I=eye(n,n); e=ones(n,1); o=zeros(n,1); ep=max(n,10)*max([norm(Ac-Delta,1) norm(Ac+Delta,1)])*eps; Aci=inv(Ac); [Q1,S]=qzmatrix(Ac,Delta,-e); if ~isempty(S), rs=0; return, end [Q2,S]=qzmatrix(Ac,Delta,e); if ~isempty(S), rs=0; return, end A=[ -Q1 e; -Aci e; I o; -I o]; b=[o; o; e; e]; c=[o; 1]; [x]=simplexineq(A,b,c); % max c'*x s.t. A*x<=b if isinf(x(1)), rs=-1; S=[]; return, end if x(n+1)>ep, rs=1; S=[]; return, end rs=-1; S=[]; % function S=singdetdesc(Ac,Delta,t) % SINGularity via DETerminant DESCent % % A=[Ac-Delta,Ac+Delta] is a square interval matrix, % t==1: starts from Ac+Delta, otherwise from Ac. %~isempty(S): S is a singular matrix in A, % if t==1, then S is in a normal form, i.e., % abs(S-Ac)=Delta holds for each but at most one entry. % isempty(S): no result. % n=size(Ac,1); Ad=Ac-Delta; Ah=Ac+Delta; if rank(Ac)=0; Zh=C'<0; B=Zd.*Ad+Zh.*Ah; [beta,J]=min(diag(B*C)); k=min(J); if abs(beta)>=0.95, S=[]; return, end if 1e-100), S=[]; return, end m=find(p<=0,1); if abs(C(m,k))<=1e-10, S=[]; return, end A(k,1:m-1)=B(k,1:m-1); A(k,m)=-(B(k,1:m-1)*C(1:m-1,k)+A(k,m+1:n)*C(m+1:n,k))/C(m,k); S=A; return end end S=[]; return % function pass(yy) % PASSing data to the plot fuction % % Plots number of orthants to be yet processed vs. the iteration count % qq=length(yy); xx=1:qq; plot(xx,yy) % function bc=janssonsheuristic(Aci) % JANSSON'S HEURISTIC % % Heuristic for finding a right-hand side for the main algorithm. % n=size(Aci,1); bc=ones(n,1); g=min(abs(Aci*bc)); for i=1:n for j=1:n bp=bc; bp(j)=-bp(j); if min(abs(Aci*bp))>g, g=min(abs(Aci*bp)); bc=bp; end end end for i=1:n for j=[1:i-1 i+1:n] bp=bc; bp(i)=-bp(i); bp(j)=-bp(j); if min(abs(Aci*bp))>g, g=min(abs(Aci*bp)); bc=bp; end end end % function S=normform(Ac,Delta,S) % NORMal FORM of a singular matrix % % Finds a normal form singular matrix (see the subfunction singdetdesc.m), % or stays with the one computed previously. % Snf=singdetdesc(Ac,Delta,1); if ~isempty(Snf), S=Snf; end % function r=beeckcond(Ac,Delta) % BEECK's CONDition % % r< 1: [Ac-Delta,Ac+Delta] is regular, % r>=1: no result. % r=max(abs(eig(abs(inv(Ac))*Delta))); % function [x,C]=simplexineq(A,b,c) % SIMPLEX method for INEQuality constraints % SIMPLEXINEQ Solving a linear program with inequality constraints. % % [x,C]=simplexineq(A,b,c) solves the linear programming problem % max c'*x s.t. Ax<=b % by solving its dual problem % min b'*y s.t. A'*y=c, y>=0 % using simplex2016.p . % % Data: A in R^(mxn), b in R^m, c in R^n. % % Output variables: %~isinf(x(1)) : x is an optimal solution, % x(1)== Inf : problem unbounded, % x(1)==-Inf : problem infeasible, % C.y : dual optimal solution, % C.hp : primal optimal value, % C.hd : dual optimal value, % C.AS : last dual simplex tableau, % C.iter : number of iterations of the simplex algorithm, % C.ep : tolerance used (numbers >= -C.ep considered nonnegative), % C.flag : verbal description of the output. % C.y=[]; C.hp=[]; C.hd=[]; C.AS=[]; C.iter=[]; C.ep=[]; C.flag=[]; % order % main part [y,CC]=simplex2016(A',c,b,0); % y is the dual optimum; primal is in CC.y % assigning the output variables % values independent of y C.AS=CC.AS; C.iter=CC.iter; C.ep=CC.ep; % values dependent on y if ~isinf(y(1))% dual optimum exists x=CC.y; % primal optimum C.y=y; % dual optimum C.hp=c'*x; % primal optimal value C.hd=CC.h; % dual optimal value C.flag='optimal solution'; end if y(1)== Inf % dual problem infeasible; primal infeasible or unbounded x1=simplexeq([A -A eye(size(A,1))],b,ones(2*size(A,2)+size(A,1),1),0); if ~isinf(x1(1)) % primal problem feasible, i.e. unbounded x=repmat(Inf,length(c),1); C.flag='unbounded'; else % primal problem infeasible x=repmat(-Inf,length(c),1); C.flag='infeasible'; end end if y(1)==-Inf % dual problem unbounded x=repmat(-Inf,length(c),1); C.flag='infeasible'; end % function [x,C]=simplex2016(A,b,c,d) % of 2012, main change in former line 114; p set to 2m (line 26) % NOT TO BE USED SEPARATELY AS A LINEAR PROGRAMMING SOLVER % COMPRISES FEATURES SPECIFIC FOR 'REGISING' % % Two-phase simplex method. % Solves the problem min c'*x s.t. A*x=b, x>=0. % d==0 : no screen output, % d==1 : screen output, objective value, % d==2 : screen output, paused, simplex tableau, %~isinf(x(1)) : x is an optimal solution, % x(1)== Inf : problem infeasible, % x(1)==-Inf : problem unbounded, % C.w : warning when basis improper, % C.y : dual optimal solution, % C.h : optimal value, % C.B : basis index set, % C.Bout : indices of artificial variables in the basis, % C.N : nonbasis index set, % C.AS : last simplex tableau, % C.iter : number of iterations, % C.flag : verbal description of the output, % C.ep : tolerance used (numbers >= -C.ep considered nonnegative). % % Overall construction: works only with ABi and Aaug, with phases being % determined by l=m+n or l=n, algorithm the same in both cases. % b=b(:); c=c(:); x=[]; y=[]; h=[]; B=[]; Bout=[]; N=[]; AS=[]; iter=[]; flag=[]; C.w=''; [m,n]=size(A); p=2*m; % restart of ABi after each p steps ep=max([m n 100])*max([norm(A,inf) norm(b,inf) norm(c,inf)])*eps; % first term max([m n 100]) important if ~(m==length(b)&&n==length(c)&&isreal(A)&&isreal(b)&&isreal(c)) flag='wrong data'; C.y=y; C.h=h; C.B=B; C.Bout=Bout; C.N=N; C.AS=AS; C.iter=iter; C.flag=flag; C.w=''; C.ep=ep; return end z=ones(m,1); for i=1:m if b(i)<0, A(i,:)=-A(i,:); b(i)=-b(i); z(i)=-1; end % right-hand side >=0 end I=eye(m,m); B=(n+1:n+m)'; ABi=I; Aaug=[A I b]; % ABi=inv(Aaug(:,B)) throughout phase=1; l=m+n; % phase 1 initialization iter=0; while isempty(flag) iter=iter+1; if phase==1 % repeated initialization crit=[zeros(1,n) ones(1,m) 0]; else crit=[c' zeros(1,m) 0]; end y=crit(B)*ABi; crit=crit-y*Aaug; crit(B)=zeros(1,m); % current criterial row if nargin==4&&d==1 -crit(m+n+1) % screen output of the current objective value end if nargin==4&&d==2 [B ABi*Aaug; 0 crit], pause % paused screen output of the current simplex tableau end if all(crit(1:l)>=-ep) % termination if phase==1 % termination, phase 1 if abs(crit(m+n+1))<=ep phase=2; l=n; % phase 2 initialization else % abs(crit(m+n+1))>ep``````````` x=repmat(Inf,n,1); y=[]; flag='infeasible'; C.y=y; C.h=-crit(m+n+1); C.B=B; C.Bout=B(B>n); C.N=N; C.AS=[B ABi*Aaug; 0 crit]; C.iter=iter; C.flag=flag; C.ep=ep; if isempty(C.Bout), C.w=''; else C.w='improper basis'; end return end else % termination, phase 2 x=zeros(n+m,1); x(B)=ABi*b; x=x(1:n); % optimal solution y=(-crit(n+1:n+m))'; % y=(ABi)'*c(B) y=z.*y; % y dual optimum for the original Ax=b flag='optimal solution'; N=find(~ismember(1:n,B)); % nonbasis index set in 1:n if all(crit(N)>ep) flag='unique optimal solution'; end C.y=y; C.h=c'*x; C.B=B; C.Bout=B(B>n); C.N=N'; C.AS=[B ABi*Aaug; 0 crit]; C.iter=iter; C.flag=flag; C.ep=ep; if isempty(C.Bout), C.w=''; else C.w='improper basis'; end return end else % current step, any(crit(1:l)<-ep) s=find(crit(1:l)<-ep,1); % Bland's rule for s As=ABi*Aaug(:,s); bp=ABi*b; if all(As<=ep) x=repmat(-Inf,n,1); y=[]; flag='unbounded'; C.y=y; C.h=-Inf; C.B=B; C.Bout=B(B>n); C.N=N; C.AS=[B ABi*Aaug; 0 crit]; C.iter=iter; C.flag=flag; C.ep=ep; if isempty(C.Bout), C.w=''; else C.w='improper basis'; end return else % any(As>ep) % Bland's rule for r if numel(As)==0, x=repmat(Inf,n,1); C=[]; return, end for j=1:m if As(j)>ep, As(j)=bp(j)/As(j); else As(j)=Inf; end end mu=min(As); K=find(abs(As-mu*ones(m,1))<=ep); BB=Inf*ones(m,1); BB(K)=B(K); [nu,r]=min(BB); B(r)=s; % ABi update if iter~=p*round(iter/p) % iter not a multiple of p Aaugs=Aaug(:,s); ABir=ABi(r,:); a=(-1/(ABir*Aaugs))*(ABi*Aaugs-I(:,r)); ABi=ABi+a*ABir; % Sherman-Morrison update else % iter is a multiple of p`% FORMER LINE 114 CAUSED CRASH ON 2012-11-22 (SEE BELOW) if rank(Aaug(:,B))==m % Aaug(:,B) invertible % IF ... END ADDED 2012-11-24 ABi=inv(Aaug(:,B)); % restart % FORMER LINE 114 if nargin==4&&d==1 display('restart') end % of display of restart end % of restart end % of iter~=p*round(iter/p) end % of all(As<=ep) end % of all(crit(1:l)>=-ep) end % of while % function [x,C]=simplexeq(A,b,c,d) % SIMPLEX method for EQuation constraints % % Two-phase revised simplex method. % Solves the problem % min c'*x s.t. A*x=b, x>=0 (1). % % d==0 : no screen output, % d==1 : screen output, objective value, % d==2 : screen output, paused, simplex tableau, %~isinf(x(1)) : x is an optimal solution of (1), % x(1)== Inf : problem (1) infeasible, % x(1)==-Inf : problem (1) unbounded, % C.w : warning when basis improper, % C.y : dual optimal solution, % C.h : optimal value, % C.B : basis index set, % C.Bout : indices of artificial variables in the basis, % C.N : nonbasis index set, % C.AS : last simplex tableau, % C.iter : number of iterations, % C.flag : verbal description of the output, % C.ep : tolerance used (numbers >= -C.ep considered nonnegative). % [x,C]=simplex2016(A,b,c,d); % computation done by SIMPLEX2016